Türkiye’s advantageous geographical location, large and young population, 强大的生产网络使其成为寻求扩大业务的日博备用网站公司的一个有吸引力的目的地.

但是, rkiye面临着与宏观金融不稳定相关的挑战, including high private sector debt, persistent current account deficits, elevated inflation, and a high unemployment rate. Additionally, recent earthquakes in February 2023 caused extensive damage, affecting a considerable portion of the population and the economy.

Despite the slowdown in growth numbers and macroeconomic volatility, 参与调查的日博备用网站公司中有77%表示在2022年实现盈利. However, when it comes to investments, many Swedish companies are acting cautiously, given the uncertain macroeconomic climate. Overall, the results of the survey still indicate that Türkiye, with its 85 million inhabitants and strategic geographical location, continues to be a promising market for Swedish companies.

In 2022, 日博备用网站公司继续保持其竞争优势和强大的地位,在土耳其日博备用网站与高效, high quality and competitive solutions, 以及利用“日博备用网站”的身份和品牌,促进日博备用网站的解决方案对其他竞争对手有利.




调查的回复是在2023年3月8日至4月8日期间收集的. 在我们日博备用网站的118家公司中,有64家做出了回应,回复率为54.23 per cent.

我们非常感谢参与调查的公司和受访者,他们慷慨地提供宝贵的见解和数据, making this report possible. 您的贡献有助于形成对土耳其日博备用网站的全面而深刻的分析.